Friday, January 16, 2009

New Picture and Email Allege Misuse of Authority

A newly sent email to FBISD Board of Directors and staff allegedly shows a picture of a black truck which is owned by the Director of Facilities, Michael Johnson, being serviced in one of the district owned mechanic shop bays being serviced with FBISD taxpayer parts and with FBISD taxpayer paid employees. As more information becomes available it will be posted. If anyone has information on this, please email us at


  1. According to FBISD's handbook, theft is considered a cause for termination; but according to the story in FortBendNow, all Johnson received was counseling on the matter. What the administration doesn't want taxpayers to know is that supposedly Johnson is Jenny's son in law and has free reign to do as he pleases; like creating positions for his friends, wasting taxpayers money renovating functioning offices, threating employees. How long will the Board of Trustees allow this type of management style from Johnson and Jenny?

  2. I think you all should contact the DA. Apparently this guy is related to the supt.

  3. If a regular worker had his personal vehicle serviced at PFC building. Mr Johnson will suspend him for 3 days and then he would be fired! for "stealing". Mr. Johnson has special privileges, he is above the law. He will get a slap on the wrist. I encourage all tax payers to call or e-mail the School Board and complain!

  4. Dont expect Dr. Jenny (the terrible little dwarf or TLD)to take action against Michael Johnson. Mr Jenny has a history of doing wrong and getting away with it! When you get a chance google "school supt tim jenny's house" He had his house built by a school employee when he was superintendent at Virginia Beach ISD.
